Have you ever wondered how are other law firms keeping up? Managing a business is difficult. On top of that, you have a family life. Trying to manage a team, while continuously growing your firm is challenging. If you are not in an area where an abundance of talent is easily accessible you may feel like your firm is limited. And it is! It is limited to the invisible ceiling of the in-house team productivity. Paralegal Pro solves these problems.
Reason number 1 – To begin competing with law firms who have adapted to the future
Imagine having loads and loads of phone calls come through. Your marketing is working and you’ve broken the code on getting prospects to hire your firm. You also have a competitor just a few miles down, and guess what their phone is ringing too. You all are competing for the same business in your area. There is one thing that the other law firm does better than yours and that is they have a team that is impeccable on following up. The team is so efficient in their follow-up, you have heard that some of your prospects chose that firm over yours because of it. What your firm doesn’t know is that other firm can instantly staff according to the growth phase of their business. They contract remote paralegals to assist with their growing needs. For every 1 client you can take on, they can take on 10. Simply because they have a team and a system that works. The system includes using outside remote paralegal services to catch anything that has the potential to slip through the cracks.
Reason 2 – Reduce overhead expenses
Your law firm is a business. Each business has ebbs and flows. Flexibility is key when it comes to hiring support. Traditionally, your team consisted of people who lived close and or daily travelers willing to drive to your law firm. Law firm owners are starting to realize that in times when the law firm numbers seem to be moving up or down, the commitment of having to pay employee’s benefits, taxes, health insurance, social security, Medicare, and hidden costs can make you feel like you are on a hamster wheel. Companies like Paralegal Pro offer support and predictable costs where you don’t have to commit to hiring full-time employees. Since we are contractors and we specialize in litigation, you only pay for the work output without the additional expenses. Your firm’s growth and numbers then become more predictable.
Reason 3 – You don’t have to train contract paralegals
Once you have a grasp on your marketing and how to bring in clients, the way your team responds to the growth can literally shape your bottom line. If you don’t keep bringing in clients who are satisfied with your firm’s service, they are going to go to your competitor. With Google right at their fingertips it is not hard for them to make an additional phone call. Firms who want to compete have to adapt to the future of using contract workers to fulfill the firm’s needs during high and low times. Contact paralegals come trained. We can fill in these gaps while saving you months of having to train an employee.
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